Sweet breakfasts [#2] Cottage Pancakes

Hi! Continuing the series, today a recipe for pancakes, but like last week’s oatmeal, also in a protein version. And for this, we will need cottage cheese. If you are looking for a cheap and good source of protein, cottage cheese is a great solution. It can be combined with both sweet and salty dishes, and at the same time combined with many different fruits and vegetables.


Together with pancakes, I share an idea for a simple nut-cocoa cream. An essential ingredient of the pancakes is a sweetener. Personally, I recommend erythritol as it does not provide unnecessary calories. But a good sugar substitute is also xylitol, which has a very low glycemic index. For the cream, you can use the same sweetener or substitute it with honey for better consistency. For the preparation, you will also need a blender and of course a frying pan.

Ingredients (pancakes)

  • Oats 150g

  • Cow / vegetable milk 200g

  • Semi-fat cottage cheese 250g

  • Eryritol 30g

  • 1 egg

  • Baking powder / Soda 5g

Ingredients (Cream)

  • Peanut butter 40g
  • Erythritol / Honey 15g
  • Cocoa 5g
  • Cow / vegetable milk ~20g

Notes: With these proportions you have a portion for 2 people

Nutritional values

Kcal: 1294

Protein: 71.4

Carbs: 178

Fat: 54.9


1. Place all ingredients in a bowl and blend until smooth.

2. If you use a non-stick pan, just heat it up well, and fry the pancakes for about 1 minute on each side. Otherwise, to prevent it from sticking, add a little bit of oil and spread it over the pan before frying. 1 pancake is about the size of a teaspoon.

3. The cream is nothing more than a combination and thorough mixing of all ingredients.

4. On top of the pancakes we spread the cream,  add blueberries or raspberries and the breakfast is ready!


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